We love tattoos even though net every SMKNGUNS team-member has been inked (yet), we think it’s super cool to have a special message or drawing on your body. Most of us who haven’t got a tattoo yet struggle with the fact that they stay forever. But there are consequences beyond just having to live with your ex-boyfriends name tattooed on your wrist for decades. About 1 to 10 people who get tattoos experience problems with them..
Tattoos can give several kinds of problems including infection, itching, swelling and redness. The journal Contact Dermatitis did a small study on tattoo problems and found that many people had complications that lingered for years after the tattoo was inked.
Over the years the dermatologist had a lot of patients coming in her clinic because of issues with their tattoos. All these complaints made Marie wonder how common those problems were and found that her colleagues and friends had the same tattoo-related complications. In reaction to this, Leger and her colleagues randomly chose about 3o0 tattooed people in New York’s Central Park and asked them about their tattoo problems. Ten percent of the group said they had some complications but most of those were temporary, like a bacterial infection, swelling or itching.
But of those who had complaints, six in ten suffered from chronic problems. And although many had suffered from unpleasant itching or swelling for years, few had bothered to get their problems checked by a doctor, the researchers found.
The most dangerous part of getting a tattoo isn’t the actual procedure, tattoo artists and parlours are strictly regulated in order to limit infection and disease transmission risk. But only a few people know what is in the tattoo ink itself, and those aren’t very closely regulated. Some studies suggest that black ink often contains pigments that can cause different types of reactions.
Leger says that it’s important if you experience problems with your tattoo to go see a doctor. Doctors may prescribe topical ointments for itchiness, or oral steroids for more serious flare-ups. In some cases, removing the tattoo may be the best option, Leger added.
If people choose to have their tattoos removed, they should go to someone experienced in the removal process, Leger said. “There have been case reports of tattoo removal in certain kinds of ways that can cause anaphylactic reactions,” Leger said, referring to the deadly allergic reaction that involves the closing of the throat and a dangerous drop in blood pressure.